Needs Analysis > Disemination Actions > Publications in Scientific Journals

Burgess, S., Gea-Valor, M. L., Moreno, A. I., & Rey-Rocha, J. (2014). Affordances and constraints on research publication: A comparative study of the language choices of Spanish historians and psychologists. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 14, 72–83.

Gea-Valor, M. L., Rey-Rocha, J., & Moreno, A. I. (2014). Publishing research in the international context: An analysis of Spanish scholars’ academic writing needs in the social sciences. English for Specific Purposes, 36, 47–59.

Lorés-Sanz, R., Mur-Dueñas, P., Rey-Rocha, J., & Moreno, A. I. (2014). Motivations and attitudes of Spanish chemistry and economic researchers towards publication in English-medium scientific journals. Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses, 69, 83-100.

López Navarro, I., Moreno, A. I., Burgess, S., Sachdev, I., & Rey-Rocha, J. (2015). Why publish in English versus Spanish?: Towards a framework for the study of researchers’ motivations. Revista Española de Documentación Científica, 38(1), e073.

López Navarro, I., Moreno, A. I., Quintanilla, M. Á., & Rey-Rocha, J. (2015). Why do I publish research articles in English instead of my own language? Differences in Spanish researchers' motivations across scientific domains. Scientometrics, 103(3): 939–976.

López Navarro, I., Moreno, A. I., & Rey-Rocha, J. (2017). Dificultades de los investigadores españoles para publicar en revistas internacionales: métricas, editores y multilingüismo. Teknokultura, 14(1), 13-33. ISSN-e: 1549-2230.

Martín, P., Rey-Rocha, J., Burgess, S., & Moreno, A. I. (2014). Publishing research in English-language journals: Attitudes, strategies and difficulties of multilingual scholars of medicine. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 16, 57-67.

Moreno, A. I., Burgess, S., Sachdev, I., López-Navarro, I., & Rey-Rocha, J. (2013). The ENEIDA Questionnaire: Publication experiences in scientific journals in English and Spanish. Available from Note: This publication has been peer-reviewed in various journals to which manuscripts on studies based on data from the ENEIDA Questionnaire have been submitted since it has been offered as an enclosure of such manuscripts or publications (e.g. Burgess et al., 2014).

Moreno, A. I., Rey-Rocha, J., Burgess, S., López-Navarro, I., & Sachdev, I. (2012). Spanish researchers’ perceived difficulty writing research articles for English-medium journals: The impact of proficiency in English versus publication experience. Ibérica, 24, 157-184.

Mur Dueñas, P., Lorés Sanz, R., Rey-Rocha, J., & Moreno, A. I. (2014). English specialized discourse in the academia: Publishing practices by Spanish scholars in chemistry and business. In M. Murawska, A. Szczepaniak-Kozak, & E. Wąsikiewicz-Firlej (Eds.), Discourses in co(n)text – The many faces of specialised discourse (pp. 253-275). Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.