Intercultural studies > Methods and Participants

Research strategy and materials

  • Multiple case study.
  • Compilation of ‘text histories’ in Spanish (as L1) and English (as L2).
  • Information gathered from ‘talk around text’ questionnaires and/or interviews with a sample of authors, reviewers, and journal editors.
  • On-site observations.

Data Analysis

  • Development of a typology of Writing Obstacles in English (WOEs) faced by Spanish post-doctoral researchers during the process of publishing research articles.
  • Application of analytic induction.

Participants and Responsibilities

Principal Investigator: Ana I. Moreno (ULE)

  • Designing the method for analysing writing difficulties.
  • Identifying types of WOEs through a pilot study.
  • Organising a workshop in Budapest with external consultant, Theresa Lillis, on ethnographic methodology for data collection.
  • Designing and sending an online questionnaire to potential informants to identify collaborators for phase 3.
  • Writing documentation to inform collaborators about participation in Phase 3.
  • Designing the interface for collecting relevant Phase 3 data online.

Potential collaborators: 54 expert informants

  • Completing an online questionnaire to:
    • Apply for a certificate of participation in Phase 2.
    • Provide socio-demographic profile information.
    • Indicate willingness to participate in Phase 3 after reviewing the provided documentation.

Co-investigators: Ana I. Moreno (ULE), Sally Burges and Pedro Martín (UL), Mª Lluisa Gea-Valor (UJI)

  • Attending Theresa Lillis’ seminar on data collection.

Co-investigator: Pilar Mur (UZ)

  • Developing a small-scale case study to identify types of obstacles and discourse processes/practices when writing for publication in international journals.

External consultant, Theresa Lillis (Open University)

  • Conducting a workshop in Budapest on ethnographic methodology for data collection relevant to Phase 3.

External consultant, Itesh Sachdev (The University of London)

  • Assisting the Principal Investigator in designing multiple case studies.

Leasba Consulting S.L. (León)

  • Providing technical support for developing the online tool to collect Phase 3 data within the ENEIDA Website.