Compilation of ‘text histories’ in Spanish (as L1) and English (as L2).
Information gathered from ‘talk around text’ questionnaires and/or interviews with a sample of authors, reviewers, and journal editors.
On-site observations.
Data Analysis
Development of a typology of Writing Obstacles in English (WOEs) faced by Spanish post-doctoral researchers during the process of publishing research articles.
Application of analytic induction.
Participants and Responsibilities
Principal Investigator: Ana I. Moreno (ULE)
Designing the method for analysing writing difficulties.
Identifying types of WOEs through a pilot study.
Organising a workshop in Budapest with external consultant, Theresa Lillis, on ethnographic methodology for data collection.
Designing and sending an online questionnaire to potential informants to identify collaborators for phase 3.
Writing documentation to inform collaborators about participation in Phase 3.
Designing the interface for collecting relevant Phase 3 data online.
Potential collaborators: 54 expert informants
Completing an online questionnaire to:
Apply for a certificate of participation in Phase 2.
Provide socio-demographic profile information.
Indicate willingness to participate in Phase 3 after reviewing the provided documentation.
Co-investigators: Ana I. Moreno (ULE), Sally Burges and Pedro Martín (UL), Mª Lluisa Gea-Valor (UJI)
Attending Theresa Lillis’ seminar on data collection.
Co-investigator: Pilar Mur (UZ)
Developing a small-scale case study to identify types of obstacles and discourse processes/practices when writing for publication in international journals.