Needs Analysis > Participants and Responsibilities

Phase 1 has been carried out by the following participants with the following responsibilities:

Principal Investigator: Ana I. Moreno (ULE)

Mini-group 1 of researchers: Ana I. Moreno (ULE), Jesús Rey Rocha (CSIC), Sally Burgess (ULL) and Irene López Navarro

External consultant: Itesh Sachdev (The University of London)

Technical Staff: Irene López Navarro (ULE)

Technical Staff: José Manuel Rojo, Belén Garzón, Almudena Mata (CSIC)

Mini-group 2 of researchers: Ana I. Moreno (ULE), Jesús Rey Rocha (CSIC), Irene López Navarro (ULE)

Co-investigator 1: Jesús Rey Rocha (CSIC)

Co-investigator 2: Sally Burgess (ULL)

Other research collaborators: Pedro Martín-Martín (ULL), Mª Lluisa Gea-Valor (UJI), Rosa Lorés-Sanz (UZ), Pilar Mur-Dueñas (UZ) and Enrique Lafuente (UZ)

Other collaborators

The ENEIDA between meetings

Principal Investigator: Ana I. Moreno (ULE)

  • Responsible for all aspects and stages of Phase 1
  • Proposing the basic content of the survey
  • Coordinating all participants during the various stages (survey design, revision, administration, analysis of data and dissemination actions)
  • Organising and chairing meetings
  • Managing the project administratively
  • Main author and co-author of various dissemination actions (see Dissemination actions)
  • Revising the translation of the ENEIDA Questionnaire into English
First Eneida Team september 10

Mini-group 1 of researchers: Ana I. Moreno (ULE), Jesús Rey Rocha (CSIC), Sally Burgess (ULL), Irene López Navarro

First Eneida Meeting Minigrupo 1 Irene López Navarro
  • Carrying out the preliminary interviews
  • Designing and constructing the ENEIDA Questionnaire items

External consultant: Itesh Sachdev (The University of London)

Itesh Sachdev
  • Responding to consultations by the Principal Investigator during the design and construction of the ENEIDA Questionnaire
  • Revising the pilot questionnaire, giving feedback to the ENEIDA researchers during data analysis and drafting of publications
  • Co-authoring various dissemination actions (see Dissemination actions)

Technical Staff: Irene López Navarro (ULE)

Irene López Navarro
  • Carrying out preliminary interviews
  • Participating in the design and construction of specific ENEIDA Questionnaire items
  • Handling the technical aspects of the online version of the questionnaire
  • Analysing data
  • Main author and co-author of various dissemination actions (see Dissemination actions)

Technical Staff: José Manuel Rojo, Belén Garzón, Almudena Mata (CSIC)

Jose Manuel Rojo Belén Garzon Almudena Mata
  • Providing advice before constructing the ENEIDA Database
  • Offering statistical support
  • Generating descriptive and inferential statistical reports
  • Conducting statistical tests for specific studies drawing data from the ENEIDA Database in collaboration with Jesús Rey Rocha

Mini-group 2 of researchers: Ana I. Moreno (ULE), Jesús Rey Rocha (CSIC), Irene López Navarro (ULE)

  • Implementing the pilot and the final survey
  • Conducting the follow-up of the pilot and final survey
First Meeting Minigroup 2

Co-investigator 1: Jesús Rey Rocha (CSIC)

Jesus Rey Rocha
  • Normalising the data
  • Generating descriptive and inferential statistical reports relevant to upcoming studies in collaboration with technical staff at the CSIC
  • Hosting ENEIDA meetings at the CSIC
  • Co-author of various dissemination actions (see Dissemination actions)

Co-investigator 2: Sally Burgess (ULL)

Sally Burgess
  • Compiling bibliography relevant to Phase 1
  • Translating the ENEIDA Questionnaire into English
  • Main author and co-author of various dissemination actions (see Dissemination actions)

Other research collaborators: Pedro Martín-Martín (ULL), Mª Lluisa Gea-Valor (UJI), Rosa Lorés-Sanz (UZ), Pilar Mur-Dueñas (UZ), Enrique Lafuente (UZ)

First Meeting September 10 Rosa Lorés Sanz Enrique Lafuente
  • Providing feedback during the revision of the online version of the ENEIDA Questionnaire
  • Acquiring email addresses relevant to the survey at their respective institutions
  • Analysing data from survey reports
  • Main authors and co-authors of various dissemination actions (see Dissemination actions)

Other collaborators

  • 24 anonymous interviewees at CSIC, ULE, and ULL
    • Responding to protocol questions in preliminary interviews
    • Providing feedback during the revision of the online version of the
      questionnaire before the pilot test
  • 1717 anonymous informants from ULE, CSIC, ULL, UJI, UZ
    • Responding to questionnaire items during the ENEIDA survey
  • CESGA (Santiago de Compostela)
    • Converting the ENEIDA Questionnaire into an online version
  • The five institutions involved in the survey (ULE, CSIC, ULL, UJI, UZ)
    • Providing email addresses relevant to the survey
    • Giving permission to use them for this purpose
  • Karen Shashok (freelance translator) (
    • Revising the translation of the ENEIDA Questionnaire into English

The ENEIDA between meetings

First Meeting September 10

The intense and stimulating work almost made us forget to eat, and when
we did eat, it sometimes even felt like an unwanted distraction!