Cross-cultural Studies > Transfer of results > Pilot course in writing for publication

This pilot course was an eight-hour interactive workshop held at the University of León in July 2013. Participants analysed and discussed the sections of published texts in the natural and health sciences. The course focused on the typical rhetorical and linguistic features of each section, clarifying how specific language choices achieve particular writing goals. Research from English for Specific purposes was integrated into the workshop materials.

Participants and Responsibilities

Responsible lecturer: Ana I. Moreno (ULE)

  • Designing the course.
  • Proposing the course to the University of León.
  • Introducing and chairing the sessions.
  • Performing classroom observation in connection with the ENEIDA Project.

Course participants: Postdoctoral Researchers (ULE)

  • Attending the course
  • Avaluating its effectiveness.

Guest lecturer: Christine Feak (UM)

  • Teaching four sessions of the course
    • Session 1: Introductions
    • Session 2: Literature reviews
    • Session 3: Results and Discussion
    • Session 4: Abstracts and titles