ENEIDA Project > State of Progress
To answer Question 1 (and partially question 3):
- Initial Interviews: 24 researchers were first interviewed in-depth from one research-only institution (CSIC) and two universities (ULE and UL).
- Questionnaire Development: Responses from these interviews were used to design a structured questionnaire, The ENEIDA Questionnaire, comprising thirty-seven questions related to both ERPP and SRPP. The questionnaire was piloted with 200 researchers selected from the total population of staff with doctorates (8,794) at the three institutions mentioned above, plus two additional universities (UJI and UZ).
- Data Collection: The questionnaire was then distributed to the entire population, yielding responses from 1,717 researchers.
- Data Storage: Their responses are stored in the ENEIDA Database.
- Specific Studies:
The ENEIDA team members have conducted specific studies on the difficulties and needs of Spanish researchers regarding ERPP in relevant academic fields, across various fields and languages.
- Dissemination: Some of these studies have been presented at international and national conferences, published in well-known international and national journals, and have informed follow-up research (see dissemination actions in the Needs Analysis section).
To answer Question 2:
- Compilation of Research Articles: A total of 185 empirical research articles (RAs) in various knowledge areas (life sciences, healthcare sciences, agricultural sciences, chemistry, social sciences) were compiled thanks to the collaboration of 84 Spanish post-doctoral researchers affiliated with the five institutions participating in the project. Of these, 121 RAs are in English only and 32 have comparable pairs in Spanish.
- EXEMPRAES Corpora: The two subsamples of 32 matched sets of exemplary RAs published in comparable scientific journals in English and Spanish are called the Exemplary Empirical Research Articles in English and Spanish (EXEMPRAES) Comparable Corpora.
- Cross-cultural Studies: Two subsamples of these comparable corpora enabled the design of appropriate coding schemes for annotating the communicative functions of all meaningful segments in the RAs. They were also the basis of our preliminary cross-cultural studies into the rhetorical structure of RAs across English and Spanish, which have already been presented nationally and internationally. (see dissemination actions in the Cross-cultural Studies section)
To address Question 3 on real, rather than perceived, Writing Obstacles in English (WOEs) during publication in scientific journals:
- Method Testing: Our method of analysis was validated through preliminary studies.
- Online Tool: An online tool was created to collect Spanish post-doctoral scholars’ text histories. Informants willing to participate in this phase of the project were contacted to explain the nature of collaboration in Phase 3 so they could start archiving their text histories for us.
- Data Collection: The actual data collection for the intercultural studies was postponed for a future project so that it was possible to develop the preliminary cross-cultural studies of Phase 2.
To transfer results from our cross-cultural analyses to a broader audience in a user-friendly manner:
- Online Search Interface: An online tailor-made search interface, named the EXEMPRAES Corpus, was created to allow users to navigate through the RAs in the EXEMPRAES comparable corpora for English and Spanish academic writing research, teaching and learning purposes.
- Innovative features: The most innovative feature of this tool is that it allows users to compare language items across academic English and Spanish in specific meaningful segments of the RAs that fulfil similar communicative functions, without being direct translations.
- Annotated Samples: This will be possible thanks to the annotations performed on each meaningful segment of the RAs for their communicative function and other relevant contextual features (e.g., language, knowledge area, section) based on our cross-cultural analyses.
- Future Enhancements: The tool has been tested on a small sample of comparable RA Discussion and Closing sections annotated for their communicative functions. It will become more powerful as more RA sections are annotated in the scope of future ENEIDA projects.
To learn more about each phase of the project, please explore the next three tabs at the top: needs analysis, cross-cultural studies and intercultural studies.