Burgess, S., Gea Valor, M. L., Martín Martín, P. & Moreno, A. I. (2013, June 27-29). Publishing one’s research in the international arena: A needs analysis of multilingual scholars in three disciplinary areas. Seventh Conference of the European Association for the Teaching of Academic Writing, Budapest, Hungary.
Burgess, S., Martín-Martín, P, Moreno, A. I., Rey Rocha, J., López-Navarro, I., & Sachdev, I. (2013, April 18-20). Spanish medical science and history scholars writing to publish in English-medium journals: Attitudes, motivations, strategies and difficulties. 31er Congreso de la Asociación Española de Lingüística Aplicada (AESLA), La Laguna, Canarias, España.
Burgess, S., Moreno, A. I., Rey-Rocha, J., López-Navarro, I., & Sachdev, I. (2011, September 5-7). Spanish researchers' strategies for learning to write and preparing their papers for publication. X Congreso Internacional de AELFE, Valencia, Spain.
Burgess, S., Mur Dueñas, P., Lorés, R., Rey Rocha, J., & Moreno, A. I. (2012, April 20-22). Under threat from all sides: Historians and English for research publication. In Moreno et al.’s panel titled "Spanish researchers publishing in English-medium scientific journals: Opportunities, challenges and threats across disciplinary areas". English in Europe: Debates and Discourses, Sheffield, UK.
Burgess, S., & Pallant, A. (2012, October 8-10). More idiosyncrasy than meets the eye: The complex challenges of training in writing for academic purposes. Mediterranean Editors and Translators Meeting 12. Craft & Critical Vision: Diving Beneath the Surface of Discourse, Venice, Italy.
Gea-Valor, M. L., Martín-Martín, P., Rey-Rocha, J., Burgess, S., & Moreno, A. I. (2012, September 20-22). A contrastive analysis of Spanish scholars’ academic needs in medicine and the social sciences. XXI Congreso Internacional AELFE, Vila do Conde, Portugal.
Gea-Valor, M.L., Moreno, A. I., Rey-Rocha, J., Burgess, S., López-Navarro, I., & Sachdev, I. (2011, September 5-7). How to publish scientific papers in English: Identifying Spanish researchers' needs. X Congreso Internacional de AELFE, Valencia, Spain.
Gea-Valor, M. L., Moreno, A. I., Rey-Rocha, J., Burgess, S., López-Navarro, I., & Sachdev, I. (2011, June 9-11). Spanish researchers' future training needs in research article publication skills. 2nd International PRISEAL Conference: Publishing and Presenting Research Internationally: Issues for Speakers of English as an Additional Language, Katowice, Poland.
López Navarro, I., Rey Rocha, J., & Moreno, A. I. (2016, July 25-29). Why do I publish research articles in English instead of my own language? Some implications of the use of English for academic purposes in non-Anglophone countries. 1st Conference on Social Impact of Science, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, España.
López Navarro, I., Rey Rocha, J., & Moreno, A. I. (2016, June 30 - July 2). ¿Por qué publico artículos en inglés en lugar de hacerlo en mi lengua materna? Dificultades y motivaciones de los investigadores españoles respecto al uso del inglés con fines académicos. XII Congreso Español de Sociología, Federación Española de Sociología, Gijón, Principado de Asturias, España.
Lorés Sanz, R., Mur Dueñas, P., Burgess, S., Rey Rocha, J., & Moreno, A. I. (2012, April 20-22). Publishing in English-medium scientific journals as opportunity: A comparative study of Spanish researchers writing practices in chemistry and business. In Moreno et al.’s panel titled "Spanish researchers publishing in English-medium scientific journals: Opportunities, challenges and threats across disciplinary areas". English in Europe: Debates and Discourses, Sheffield, UK.
Martín-Martín, P., Moreno, A. I., Rey-Rocha, J., Burgess, S., López-Navarro, I., & Sachdev, I. (2011, June 9-11). Spanish researchers' past experiences and difficulties with the publication of research articles. 2nd International PRISEAL Conference: Publishing and Presenting Research Internationally: Issues for Speakers of English as an Additional Language, Katowice, Poland.
Martín-Martín, P., Moreno, A. I., Rey-Rocha, J., Burgess, S., López-Navarro, I., & Sachdev, I. (2011, September 5-7). The publication of scientific papers in English and Spanish: Previous experiences and difficulties of Spanish researchers. X Congreso Internacional de AELFE, Valencia, Spain.
Martín-Martín, P., Rey-Rocha, J., Burgess, S., & Moreno, A. I. (2012, December 13-16). Writing in English for research publication purposes: The case of Spanish scholars in the field of medicine. Joint International Conference Mapping ESP Frontiers: Bridging Teaching, Research and Practice. The 1st International Conference of the Chinese Association for ESP & The 4th International Conference on ESP in Asia, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
Moreno, A. I. (2011, June 9-11). Introduction to the Spanish team for intercultural studies of academic discourse (ENEIDA) project and research group. 2nd International PRISEAL Conference. Publishing and Presenting Research Internationally: Issues for Speakers of English as an Additional Language, The University of Silesia, Sosnowiec/Katowice, Poland.
Moreno, A. I., Rey-Rocha, J., Burgess, S., López-Navarro, I., & Sachdev, I. (2011, September 5-7). A large-scale online survey to research into Spanish researchers’ needs for training in English for research publication purposes from a Spanish-English intercultural perspective. X Congreso Internacional de AELFE, Valencia, Spain.
Moreno, A. I., Rey-Rocha, J., Burgess, S., López-Navarro, I., Garzón, B., & Sachdev, I. (2011a, June 9-11). Identifying Spanish researchers’ needs for training in English for research publication purposes: Methodological aspects of a large-scale online survey. 2nd International PRISEAL Conference. Publishing and Presenting Research Internationally: Issues for Speakers of English as an Additional Language, The University of Silesia, Sosnowiec/Katowice, Poland.
Moreno, A. I., Rey-Rocha, J., Burgess, S., Martín-Martín, P., Gea-Valor, M. L., López-Navarro, I., Garzón, B., & Sachdev, I. (2011b, June 9-11). Spanish researchers publishing in scientific journals: Motivations, views, strategies, experiences and training needs. 2nd International PRISEAL Conference. Publishing and Presenting Research Internationally: Issues for Speakers of English as an Additional Language, The University of Silesia, Sosnowiec/Katowice, Poland.
Moreno, A. I., Rey-Rocha, J., Burgess, S., López-Navarro, I., & Sachdev, I. (2011, September 5-7). A large-scale online survey to research into Spanish researchers’ needs for training in English for research publication purposes from a Spanish-English intercultural perspective. X Congreso Internacional de AELFE, Valencia, Spain.
Moreno, A. I., Rey-Rocha, J., Burgess, S., López-Navarro, I., & Sachdev, I. (2012, April 20-22). Creating a large-scale database of Spanish scholars’ publication experiences in English and Spanish-medium scientific journals: Methodological considerations. In Moreno et al.’s panel titled "Spanish researchers publishing in English-medium scientific journals: Opportunities, challenges and threats across disciplinary areas". English in Europe: Debates and Discourses, Sheffield, UK.
Moreno, A. I., Rey-Rocha, J., Burgess, S., López-Navarro, I., & Sachdev, I. (2012, June 20-23). Spanish researchers’ perceived difficulties writing research articles for publication in English-medium journals: The impact of language proficiency versus publication experience. ICLASP 13 Conference, Friesland, The Netherlands.
Moreno, A. I., Rey-Rocha, J., Burgess, S., López-Navarro, I., & Sachdev, I. (2012, December 13-16). Which section of a research article is the most difficult for Spanish postdoctoral researchers to write? Bridging gaps between EAP teaching and research. Joint International Conference Mapping ESP Frontiers: Bridging Teaching, Research and Practice. The 1st International Conference of the Chinese Association for ESP & The 4th International Conference on ESP in Asia, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
Mur Dueñas, P., Lorés Sanz, R., Burgess, S., Rey Rocha, J., & Moreno, A. I. (2012, April 20-22). Publishing in English-medium scientific journals as challenge: A comparative study of Spanish researchers writing practices in chemistry and business. In Moreno et al.’s panel titled "Spanish researchers publishing in English-medium scientific journals: Opportunities, challenges and threats across disciplinary areas". English in Europe: Debates and Discourses, Sheffield, UK.