ENEIDA Project > Project Phases

To collect data from multiple interrelated sources and pave the way for investigating our research concerns—specifically, the writing difficulties Spanish post-doctoral researchers face when publishing in English-medium international journals from intercultural and cross-cultural perspectives and their training needs in English for Research Publication Purposes (ERPP)—the ENEIDA Project was divided into three phases:

Phase 1

Needs analysis regarding ERPP and SRPP

1. What are the needs of Spanish post-doctoral researchers regarding English and Spanish for Research Publication Purposes (ERPP and SRPP)?

Phase 2

Cross-cultural studies of ERPP versus SRPP

2. What are the major similarities and differences in rhetoric between research articles published in English-medium journals and those in textually comparable Spanish-medium journals?

Phase 3

Intercultural studies of ERPP

3a. What real writing difficulties, or writing obstacles in English (WOEs), do Spanish post-doctoral researchers face when they attempt to publish their research in English?

3b. Which of these writing difficulties may be due to the transfer of their rhetorical habits when writing in Spanish for similar purposes?