Ana I. Moreno, Director of ENEIDA

Welcome to the ENEIDA Project, whose primary aim is to identify the writing obstacles of Spanish scholars when writing in English (WOEs) for academic publication, specifically those that may be due to transfer from their writing practices in Spanish. Proposed by Ana I. Moreno, this significant initiative brought together researchers from nine institutions, forming the first ENEIDA Team.

After securing a competitive research project under the National Plan for Research, Development and Innovation (Ref.: FFI2009-08336/FILO, 2010-mid 2014), the first ENEIDA team formalised their collaborations by setting up the ENEIDA Research Group at the Universidad de León, Spain. This project, titled “Rhetorical Strategies to Get Published in International Journals from a Spanish-English Intercultural Perspective (I),” was structured into three phases:

  1. Needs Analysis regarding English and Spanish for Research Publication Purposes (ERPP and SRPP)

  2. Cross-cultural studies of ERPP and SRPP

  3. Intercultural Studies of ERPP as a language used by Spanish researchers to publish their research internationally

The funding received from the former Ministry of Science and Innovation allowed the team to achieve outstanding results and share them widely both nationally and internationally.

Two crucial milestones, the ENEIDA Questionnaire and the EXEMPRAES Corpus, can be accessed by clicking on the logos below. To find out more about the ENEIDA Project and team, please explore the tabs at the top of the screen.

Note: This website should be cited as follows:

Moreno, A. I. (2014, revised 2024). ENEIDA: Spanish Team for Intercultural Studies of Academic Discourse. Universidad de León. https://eneida.unileon.es/


The ENEIDA Questionnaire is a primary research tool developed by the ENEIDA Team to conduct a large-scale online survey of 8,794 Spanish researchers from five teaching and research institutions. This survey investigates their motivations, attitudes, strategies, experiences, and difficulties in writing research articles for publication in English and Spanish, as well as their training needs in English for Research Publication Purposes (ERPP) and Spanish for Research Publication Purposes (SRPP). The questionnaire is available for reference or use in other contexts upon request.
The EXEMPRAES Corpus is an online tailor-made search interface that will allow users to navigate through comparable research articles annotated for their communicative functions for English and Spanish academic writing research, teaching, and learning purposes. Currently a beta version, its full functionality is expected to be achieved in the scope of future ENEIDA projects.